Victor Vondette was born in 1836 in Ontario to Victor and Chisah/Lucy Vondette. Victor married Jenny Brown. Jenny was born March 1847 in New York and her father was Martin Brown.
In 1880, Victor owned 7 acres of tilled land, 5 acres of meadow and 18 acres of woodland or forest in Lakefield Township. Victor and Jenny owned and operated a 25 acre farm in Section 2 on the east side of Merrill Road between Ederer and Swan Creek Roads.
Victor Vondette was elected to the following Lakefield Township offices:
Highway Commission April 2, 1877
Highway Commissioner April 1, 1878
Highway Commissioner April 7, 1879
Highway Commissioner April 5, 1880
Highway Commissioner April 4, 1881
Appointed to the Board of Review April 21, 1883
Elected to Constable April 7, 1884
Appointed to Overseer of Highways in Road District #6, April 7, 1884
Highway Commission April 4, 1887
Highway Commission April 2, 1888
Highway Commission April 1, 1889
Victor Vondette died on December 3, 1889, in Lakefield Township, at the age of 53 years old of heart disease. Victor is buried in the Wheeler Township Cemetery, Wheeler, Gratiot County, Michigan. Victor Jr.'s dad, Victor Sr., died in Lakefield Township on October 19, 1878 of old age at 82 years old.
Jenny Brown Vondette married a widower, Daniel Morden, on January 21, 1891 in Saginaw, Saginaw County, Michigan. From the time Daniel and Jenny were married in 1891 until sometime before 1920, they lived in Section 2 on the east side of Merrill Road between Ederer and Swan Creek Roads in Lakefield Township. In 1896, their neighbors were: Alex Vondette, Edward Vondett, John Seymour, Frank Seymour, Jesse Baker, Charles Zarbock, and Martin Price.
SOURCES: 1880, 1900, 1910, and 1920 U.S. Census; 1880 Michigan Agriculture Census; Lakefield Township Records; Victor Vondette's death record; Wheeler Township Cemetery on Find-A-Grave; Jenny and Daniel Morden marriage record.