Lakefield Township Early Pioneers of Saginaw County, Michigan
Lakefield Township Early Pioneers of Saginaw County, Michigan

Alfred Beird




Alfred H. Beird was born September 12, 1869 in Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada to David and Margaret Owen Beird. He came to the United States in 1878.

Alfred and Sylvia's children were:

  1. Elsie E. Beird was born May 12/13, 1895 in Lakefield Township. Elsie married John W. Liebrock.

  2. Merritt (Bud) Raymond Beird was born December 29, 1897 in Lakefield Township.

  3. Ruby H. Beird was born September 1899

  4. Pansy (Ruth) Beird was born July 8, 1902 in Lakefield Township. Pansy married Clarence C. Bailey.

  5. Ula Viva Beird was born September 22, 1905. Ula married Ford Fletcher Slick.

  6. Dora Fern Beird was born October 1908 in Lakefield Township. Dora married John Williamson.

  7. Daisy Dellde Beird was born April 1909 and died August 30, 1910 in Lakefield Township.

  8. Charlotte Rose Beird was born August 30, 1912

  9. David Sylvester Beird was born July 2, 1917 and died                                                  April 26, 1918 in Lakefield Township.


Alfred's mother, Margaret Owen Beird (born July 4, 1829 and died November 6, 1911) lived with Alfred and Sylvia in the latter part of her life.


Alfred passed away June 9, 1947 and Sylvia on December 9, 1952. They are both buried in the Lakefield Township Cemetery.

SOURCES: granddaughter, Jean Goward; Alfred and Sylvia Beird's marriage record; Sylvia Cooper Beird's birth record; Alfred Beird's death record; Elsie Beird's birth record; Merritt Beird's obituary; Alfred and Sylvia Beird's obituaries; David Sylvester Beird's death record; Daisy Beird's death record, Dora Williamson's obituary; Ruth Pansy Bailey's obituary; United States Census'.

Pioneers of Lakefield Township - Left to Right: Jacob Brown, Lawrence Dubay, Alva Hinterman, David Dubay, Mr. Harris, George Easlick, Calvin Harris;   Ray Rowell standing towards the top of photo and his daughters, Mildred, Dorothy, and Carrie Rowell,  sitting on the wood pile.    Carry Rowell later married Fred Honaman.     photo from John and Linda Honaman Johnson.



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