Francis Dumaux was born June 1815 in Canada. He married Eliza Roberts.
Francis and Eliza had the following children:
Emily Dumaux was born November 1838 in Canada and married Edward Gazette.
William Dumaux was born March 4, 1850 in Canada and married Flora McLeod.
Moses Dumaux was born 1851 in Canada. Moses was elected as Lakefield Township Constable on April 7, 1879.
Caroline C. Dumaux was born January 6, 1860 in Canada and married Francis Henry Cooper.
On August 10, 1876, the United States General Land Office in accordance with the Homestead Act of May 20, 1862 granted Francis Dumaux (Homestead Certificate #974 Application #2595) the tract of land on the southeast quarter of Section Ten in the Township Eleven North of Range one East, in the district of lands subject to sale at East Saginaw, Michigan containing one hundred and sixty acres. Signed by Ulysses S. Grant. Francis's 160 acres were on the corner of South Merrill and Roosevelt Roads.
On April 5, 1880 Francis was elected as Lakefield Township Overseer of Highway, District #2.
In 1880, Francis owned 12 acres of tilled land and 28 acres of forest or woodland. Francis's son, Moses, had 15 acres of tilled land, 7 acres of pasture and 105 acres of woodland and forest.
In 1890, according to the Badgero and Galloway Lakefield Township Drain Map, Francis owns 60 acres of land in Section 10 and his son-in-law, Francis Henry Cooper, owns 100 acres of Francis's original homestead land.
In 1896, Francis still owns his 60 acres on Merrill Road between Swan Creek and Roosevelt Roads. His neighbors are Francis Henry Cooper, William Dumaux, Edward Gazette, George Rigg and Joseph Tolfree.
In 1900 Francis is living in Lakefield Township and is widowed.
Eliza Roberts Dumaux died on May 8, 1881 at the age of 54 years old. She is buried in Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery in Lakefield Township.
SOURCES: United States General Land Office; 1880 Michigan Agricultural Census; Lakefield Township Records; 1890 Badgero and Galloway Lakefield Township Drain Map; Eliza Cooper's death record; William Dumaux marriage record; William Dumaux death certificate; Caroline Celia Cooper's death record; 1880 and 1900 United States Census.