Lakefield Township Early Pioneers of Saginaw County, Michigan
Lakefield Township Early Pioneers of Saginaw County, Michigan

Moses Labeff




Moses Labeff was born in Canada in 1856. He immigrated to the United States in 1880. Moses married Sophronia Jarbeau on April 7, 1891 in Hemlock, Richland Township, Saginaw County, Michigan. Sophronia was born in 1868 in Canada to John and Elizabeth Landerville Jarbeau.


Moses and Sophronia had the following children:

  1. Moses “Delore” Labeff was born January 7, 1892 in Lakefield Township. He married Ethel Perry. Delore died on March 23, 1971 in Saginaw, Saginaw County, Michigan. He is buried in West Haven Cemetery, New Haven, Shiawassee County, Michigan.

  2. John F. Labeff was born on February 8, 1893 and died in March 1913 in Saginaw, Saginaw County, Michigan.

  3. Paul Lebeff was born May 5, 1895 in Lakefield Township. He died in 1969 in New Haven, Shiawassee County, Michigan and is buried in West Haven Cemetery, New Haven, Shiawassee County, Michigan.

  4. DeLina A. Lebeff was born February 14, 1886 in Lakefield Township.

  5. Daniel P. Labeff was born February 16, 1897 in Lakefield Township.

  6. William A. Labeff was born June 1899

  7. Alexander “Alex” Labeff was born June 16, 1900 in Lakefield Township. He died on October 26, 1985 in St. Louis, Gratiot County, Michigan. Alex is buried in West Haven Cemetery, New Haven, Shiawassee County, Michigan.

  8. Elizabeth “Tresa” Labeff was born March 13, 1901 and died November 8, 1919 at St. Mary's Hospital, Saginaw, Saginaw County, Michigan. Tresa died of Typhoid Fever. She is buried in the Lakefield Cemetery.

  9. Frank E. Labeff was born June 15, 1904 in Lakefield Township. He married Catherine Mary Debar on November 3, 1924 in St. Johns, Clinton County, Michigan. Frank died on March 15, 1981 and is buried in West Haven Cemetery, New Haven, Shiawassee County, Michigan.


Moses and Sophronia owned and operated a 10 acre parcel of land in Section 2 on Swan Creek Road between Merrill and Chapin Roads. Moses worked for the Doyle Section Farm which was a large horse farm. It was located in Section 11 of Lakefield Township, directly to the south of where Moses and his family lived. Moses and Sophronia's neighbors in 1896 were: F. McMillin and Edward Vondette. Edward Vondette was Sophronia's sister's (Elizabeth Jarbeau Vondette's), father-in-law. For a few years Elizabeth, her husband, John Henry Vondette and their family lived in house on Edward Vondette's property, making Sophronia and Elizabeth neighbors. The children of the Labeff's and Vondette's went to the Kane School which was located on the NE corner of Swan Creek and Chapin Roads. By 1900, John Henry Vondette, his wife, Elizabeth and their family moved to Central Lake, Atrim County, Michigan.


Sophronia died on April 15, 1912 in Lakefield Township and is buried in the Lakefield Cemetery. Moses died on March 25, 1936 in New Haven, Shiawassee County, Michigan.




SOURCES: Moses and Sophronia Jarbeau Lebeff's marriage record; 1896 and 1916 Lakefield Township Plat Map; 1900, 1920 and 1930 U.S. Census; Moses, John, Paul, Delina, Daniel, and Alex Labeff's birth records; Frank and Catherine Lebeff's marriage record; Moses D. and Paul WWII draft registration; Moses Labeff Sr.'s death record; Sophronia Jarbeau Labeff's death record; Tresa LaBeff's death record; John F. Labeff's death record; Moses D., Paul, Alex, and Frank Labeff's death records; and The Vondette History written by Frances Vondette Fritz

Pioneers of Lakefield Township - Left to Right: Jacob Brown, Lawrence Dubay, Alva Hinterman, David Dubay, Mr. Harris, George Easlick, Calvin Harris;   Ray Rowell standing towards the top of photo and his daughters, Mildred, Dorothy, and Carrie Rowell,  sitting on the wood pile.    Carry Rowell later married Fred Honaman.     photo from John and Linda Honaman Johnson.



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