Frank A. Frost was born on August 5, 1865 in Potsville, Iowa. He was the son of Rowland and Elizabeth Welch Frost. Frank married Alice Frost on September 5, 1886 in Lafayette Township, Gratiot County, Michigan. Alice was born September 2, 1869 in Iowa and was the daughter of Joshua and Mary Frost.
Frank and Alice had the following children:
Myrtle Edna Frost was born July 11, 1887 in Jonesfield Township, Saginaw County, Michigan. She married Henry Seidel. Myrtle died on December 12, 1974 in Bay City, Bay County, Michigan and buried in the Oakwood Mausoleum, Saginaw, Michigan.
Blanche Louis was born March 5, 1892 in Jonesfield Township, Saginaw County, Michigan. She married Benjamin Dietzel. Blanche also married Leo Shovan. She died on November 11, 1975 in Saginaw, Saginaw County, Michigan and is buried in Roselawn Cemetery, Saginaw, Michigan.
Arthur Frost was born April 3, 1894. He married Elizabeth Harris. Arthur died on July 18, 1973 in St. Ignace, Michigan.
Frank Leslie Frost was born October 31, 1896 in Jonesfield Township, Saginaw County, Michigan. Frank Leslie died on February 6, 1897.
Frank, Alice and his family lived in Lakefield Township, Saginaw County, Michigan in 1900. They lived in Section 3 of Lakefield Township on Ederer Road between S. Merrill and Fenmore Roads. Their neighbors were William J. Frost, Sara Price, Colin McDonald, Sepilian Method, Jesse Baker and Edward Vondette.
Frank and his family moved to Saginaw, Michigan in 1904 and he worked for the F.A. Alderton Company.
Alice died March 10, 1901 and Frank died on September 6, 1954. They are both buried in the Lakefield Township Cemetery.
SOURCES: Frank and Alice Frost's marriage record; Blanche Frost's birth and marriage record; Myrtle Frost's birth and marriage record; Frank Leslie Frost's birth record; Arthur Frost's birth and marriage record; Lakefield Township Cemetery Records; Frank Frost's obituary; Arthur Frost's obituary; Myrtle Frost Seidel's obituary; Blanche Frost Shovan's obituary.