Lakefield Township Early Pioneers of Saginaw County, Michigan
Lakefield Township Early Pioneers of Saginaw County, Michigan

George Brush

                          GEORGE AND AGNES McDOUGALL BRUSH

George and Agnes Brush




George Rowland Brush was born May 6, 1884 in Brant Township, Saginaw County, Michigan to John Rowland and Mary Aletha Sensabaugh Brush. While attending Wilson School in Brant Township, he met Agnes McDougall. Agnes was born January 17, 1892 in Brant, Saginaw County, Michigan. George and Agnes were married on February 18, 1909 moving to Lakefield Township within a few years.


Bernard, Mary and Ithyl Brush




George and Agnes children were:

1. George "Bernard"  Brush married Marion Rosewig

2. Ithyl Leroy Brush married Alvira

3. Mary Lucinda Brush married John Sklba

4. female Brush born and died August 22, 1919

5. male Brush born and died Jully 22, 1922

6. male Brush born and died July 7, 1923

George was a farmer most of his life and he was also in the insurance business. He was President of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company and he once operated a grocery store in Saginaw. George was active in politics and served 26 years as Lakefield Township Supervisor. His public service career also extended to the Director of Bastedo School for 10 years, Chairman of the Saginaw County Welfare Board and he served on the Saginaw County Road Commission. George was also active in Mason Work and was past patron of Merrill OES Chapter and past President of the Merrill Mason Lodge 411 F&AM.

Agnes was one the first women to register to vote on April 5, 1920, after the Women's Suffrage movement. She also belonged to                                                                             the Lakefield Ladies Society in 1926, 1927,                                                                              1928, 1929 and 1930.



George passed away November 5, 1959 and Agnes on April 9, 1968. They are both buried in Lakefield Township Cemetery.

SOURCES: Della Miller McKay's obituary collection;

Granddaughter, Mary Lynn Sklba; birth and death records.

Pioneers of Lakefield Township - Left to Right: Jacob Brown, Lawrence Dubay, Alva Hinterman, David Dubay, Mr. Harris, George Easlick, Calvin Harris;   Ray Rowell standing towards the top of photo and his daughters, Mildred, Dorothy, and Carrie Rowell,  sitting on the wood pile.    Carry Rowell later married Fred Honaman.     photo from John and Linda Honaman Johnson.



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