Patrick Clark was born 1830 in Ireland. Margaret was born 1832 in Ireland.
On February 1, 1862, the United States General Land Office in accordance with the Homestead Act granted Patrick Clark (Homestead Certificate #8627) the tract of land on the North half of the North East Quarter of Section fourteen in Township Eleven, North of Range One, East in the district of lands subject to sale at East Saginaw, Michigan containing eighty acres . Signed by Abraham Lincoln.
In the 1880 Michigan Agricultural Census, Patrick has 20 acres of tilled land, 10 acres of meadow or pasture and 140 acres of woodland or forest.
In the 1880 United States Census, Patrick and Margaret are living in Lakefield Township in June 1880.
June 7, 1880 a book of Saginaw County states the following: "Terrible Tragedy in Lakefield Township"; Patrick Clark and wife foully murdered; remains burned, together with the evidence.
The obituary of Patrick Clark dated June 7, 1880 states that he might have been murdered and was found in a burned out home.
SOURCES: United States General Land Office; 1880 Agricultural Census; Patrick Clark's obituary; and History Book of Saginaw County, written by Michael A. Leeson and Damon Clarke 1881.